just a couple of weeks ago when ivan hit florida. we had 8 tornados in my town of panama city within a couple of hours. i was walking out to the truck to head out of town and looked across the street and hear one comes. one was comming staight for us i told everyone to get inside the house. right when i got inside i looked out the window as everyone hit the hallway floor. all the trees were braking into two parts, some getting stripped pure of its bark. but i hit the hallway then. the house started to shake real bad. i was just waiting on it to blow to peaces. everyone else was screaming and praying i didnt know what to do this was my first tornado and i hope the last. it was so load i could hardly hear everyone yelling. but when it was done i went outside. everything around us was destoryed. My house was ok but all the trees around us was ripped up or apart. a stoarge place across the street from me had there roof ripped off and thrown into the 30ft trees by are house. well i just wanted to let you know i know were you comming from and i hope know one has to go threw that.