12-29-2004, 11:01 PM
Quote:ok, now, what would all that be used for?I prefer oil based clay (roma #2). It\'s easier to work and it doesn\'t harden. Causing the clay to be sitting there for a month and not harden, so you don\'t have to rush with the scuplting. It may be a bit more expensive than water based, but it\'s worth it. Burlap makes the mold. You apply pieces of it to the clay, causing it to be a couple of inches thick. Ultra Cal 30 is like cement, you use it as a glue pretty much to stick the burlap on the clay scuplt. Than you have to wait for it to dry, and add latex. Remember do small pieces of burlap at a time, to get the details in the mask. You have to crack the mold in half to get the clay out and add the latex. The white clay is used as support and divides the back and front of the mask. You want it to go around the whole mask, having it about 2 inches thick. Add the burlap to that to. Than when you crack open the mold, you don\'t mess up the good part of the mold. Add little rivets in the wall of clay. It\'s used for prying points, use a screw driver or something strong to crack the mold.
the burlap? like, a sheet to protect floor?
white clay for the wall?
ultra cal 30?
what do you prefer, whats the diff, water based? or water not?