01-16-2005, 06:51 PM
She got in one fight too many this morning, (I got to break it up, yay! ) and her owner decided after 10 years (the dog has cancer too) that she\'s getting aggressive and it\'s time to go. So after the dogs were seperated PJ (the dogs name) get her wounds cleaned, we took a couple pics, and off to the vet she goes.
So yeah, interesting day so far. You can see some of her wounds in the pics. It was a pretty terrible fight. She was the aggressor. And no, I didn\'t get my hands anywhere near them or the teeth, we\'re talking about 2 80 pound pit bulls going at it.
I found my steel toes to be more then effective in getting them apart.
But yeah, of to the dog house in the sky she goes. With the exception of the past year she\'s been a pretty good dog. There was one other incident where she tore another dogs belly open and killed him. But that dog kept trying to mount her and she wasn\'t having none of that.
So anyway, yeah, interesting day. Just thought I\'d share.