02-10-2005, 11:15 PM
Wow. Didn\'t know you people didn\'t know these things.
alvanaxe - You didn\'t quite understand what I said, apparently. I meant that the mask seen in those last two pictures you posted was reused as the Part 4 hero mask by Tom Savini after Part 3 had been filmed. You can tell without a doubt by the knick in the forehead hole, the shape and size of the nose scuff, and the other various smudges around the mask. There is substancial proof, and this isn\'t just a theory. That mask *WAS* later used as the Part 4 mask.
Aaron - While there is only *ONE* part 4 mask, as you said, I do believe that there were more than one part 3 mask produced. It\'s easy to tell when examining the DVD quality screenshots from the film. There are at least 2 distinct looks of the hockey mask throughout Part 3. The mask used in all the barn scenes, and the ending mask used for the axe prosthetics. There may have been as many as 4 or 5 different masks for all I know. But something I\'m absolutely sure of is that only one of them made their way into The Final Chapter.
thegolemwalks - Yes. You are correct. The masks from F13 Part 3 and 4 were all fiberglass. David Miller explained to me himself that when he was brought on to do the effects work for Friday Part 5, they wanted him to make the hockey masks out of a lighter, more flexible material than that which the first ones were made of: fiberglass. He said that just a few weeks before, he had purchased a vacuform machine. He took a stone casting from the Part 3 mold to vacuform over, and consequently, he was the first effects artist on the F13 films to produce plastic hockey masks instead of reusing any of the fiberglass copies made for Part 3. Even though the original Part 4 mask was still used in the film for the hallucination scenes. And guess what? Miller actually still uses the same Part 3 stone casting that he used on Part 5 to make the DMC replica masks you all own today.
Ryan Bean
alvanaxe - You didn\'t quite understand what I said, apparently. I meant that the mask seen in those last two pictures you posted was reused as the Part 4 hero mask by Tom Savini after Part 3 had been filmed. You can tell without a doubt by the knick in the forehead hole, the shape and size of the nose scuff, and the other various smudges around the mask. There is substancial proof, and this isn\'t just a theory. That mask *WAS* later used as the Part 4 mask.
Aaron - While there is only *ONE* part 4 mask, as you said, I do believe that there were more than one part 3 mask produced. It\'s easy to tell when examining the DVD quality screenshots from the film. There are at least 2 distinct looks of the hockey mask throughout Part 3. The mask used in all the barn scenes, and the ending mask used for the axe prosthetics. There may have been as many as 4 or 5 different masks for all I know. But something I\'m absolutely sure of is that only one of them made their way into The Final Chapter.
thegolemwalks - Yes. You are correct. The masks from F13 Part 3 and 4 were all fiberglass. David Miller explained to me himself that when he was brought on to do the effects work for Friday Part 5, they wanted him to make the hockey masks out of a lighter, more flexible material than that which the first ones were made of: fiberglass. He said that just a few weeks before, he had purchased a vacuform machine. He took a stone casting from the Part 3 mold to vacuform over, and consequently, he was the first effects artist on the F13 films to produce plastic hockey masks instead of reusing any of the fiberglass copies made for Part 3. Even though the original Part 4 mask was still used in the film for the hallucination scenes. And guess what? Miller actually still uses the same Part 3 stone casting that he used on Part 5 to make the DMC replica masks you all own today.
Ryan Bean