03-14-2005, 07:09 PM
Quote:After seeing the Episode 3 Trailer... I get so sad thinking about whats gonna happen in it.... Jedi Die... Padme Dies... Anakin diesI know Im gonna leave that movie sad... who\'s with me!!!!
...? Are you KIDDING? It\'s gonna be sooo great! They\'re all gonna die and the Darkside will take over like gangreen! It will be so dark and evil... It\'s gonna "F-MOTHER" rock!!! The only sad thing will be knowing that, that\'s it. All of our lives we have been in anticipation of a new star wars. Once we see Episode III... thats it. It\'s all over Johnny! kaput, finuto, done deal, badda bing, the trains left the station, the money shot, the fat woman sung, hell frozer over, the dog ate it\'s own damn feces. THAT\'S what\'s gonna be sad!