04-06-2005, 03:44 PM
Spaz..I found out you can definitely Duel with those things. MR says not to but that\'s just so they\'re not liable for injury. The glow comes from indiglow, electroluminescent cord on the inside and it can\'t be damaged. The light rope is enclosed within a polycarbonate shell, which is a near indestructable plastic and can take heavy abuse. The owner of light-tech told me that when he tested his blades, he swung them as hard as he could against a tree and it barely scratched it. Master Replicas might not be quite as durable though but they basically stole that same blade design from Light-tech and Jeff Parks. I\'m ordering 2 this summer so I can totally geek out in the front yard at night. They\'re so bright that I think traffic would stop if they saw a lightsaber duel in someones front yard ..lol