04-24-2005, 05:49 AM
Damn, that first one is really something cool Bob, I like the look of him a TON!! Very original, and very interesting!! I\'m digging the idea of a breathing tube too, mixing monsters and science always looks cool! I will very much be looking for this guy all done! If you\'re not sure what you\'re doing for the breathing tube, I have an idea. I\'m envisioning a ribbed black tube that splits in 2 after the mouth hole. The tubes goe aroud the sides of his neck, and attatch to a metal reciever in the back of his head. Kind of a rusted steel plate type deal implanted, roughly. Kinda rusty and bloody, a couple control knobs, and little buttons, nothing really high tech, just as basic as possible, make it look home made. Just something I saw anyways, can\'t wait to see what you\'ll come up with.