05-08-2005, 06:39 PM
Quote:I\'m so disappointed in all of you. This new generation of kids has no concept of what a true gladiator is, and insists upon ushering in an era of pussies--the UFC is nothing if not a handful of over-the-top moves, and useless, visceral (seeming) action; there\'s no heart or true grit. Just a bunch of over-confiedent idiots slavering over there unfit oponents and themselves.
I know you all think UFC is a tougher, more kick-ass sport than, say, boxing, but I assure you that notion is farther from the truth than you\'ll ever know. And I especially want to point out that most, if not ALL, of the people who think otherwise have almost certainly never stepped into a ring or an arena themselves. And any fight they might claim to have been in wasn\'t a true fight: it was probably a bunch of wussy kids trying to inflict themselves on each other withoug knowing why or how, with miserable results that everyone lied to themselves about after the fact.
Fucking kids...
Alright who the hell do you think you are?