04-10-2004, 01:29 AM
Get the burlap from the fabric store with the higher thread count, (more threads per inch for a tighter weave) it\'s a heavier burlap and hangs a lot better than the looser stuff from Wal-mart. As far as the worn and frayed areas go, while you\'re at the fabric store, look for the "Aleen" products. They make a little bottle of this anti-fray liquid that seeps into fabric and dries flexible. Put some around each frayed area inside the jacket prior to installing the dark khaki lining. This will keep the holes and tears in the shape you want them. (I\'m waiting for someone to dispute the color of the lining. Gloveman bought both of the jackets from the movie so don\'t take my word for it.) The side of the liner that\'s going to be facing out through the holes in the burlap is going to be more easily "weathered" before you install it. Cut the sleeves about an inch and a half longer than you\'ll be wearing them since the fraying, if you do it right, will eat up that much material.
Peace out.
Peace out.