09-01-2005, 05:12 AM
Quote:thats how it goes people will take advantage of everyone to better themselves its damn disgusting i wish i had more money to spread around casue we all know the wealthy people there will have no prob gettin help but the lower class will get poop sticks..i jsut fell bad that people are looting while others dieYOUR RIGHT ON THE FRIGGIN\' MONEY THERE MIKE!!!!...i get sick and tired of this stuff on tv like the reality shows where there are Millionaires and they are telling the middle class to give more....I try to give what i can and frankly (not to be too religious)..but those people need alot of hope and alot of prayers to help them out!!!..It looks like a third world country in New orleans and some surronding areas now....it will take a long time to get the city back on it\'s feet and damn it i wanna be there when the first set of beads are thrown!