Well somebody had to take the pictures of [url=\"http://forums.NIGHTOWLpro.com/index.php?showtopic=9633\"]you and your new friend together[/url].
I was just telling my wife about the scariest house when I trick-or-treated as a kid...there was this wolfman that would come flying through the bushes at you as you made your way to the porch for candy. You had to walk down an old cement staircase to get to the yard, so there was only one way out...back up the damn stairs! They lived up on the hill and had howls playing over this loud speaker...so all night I had to build up the courage to go there. I can still picture the scene in my mind today, 21 years later.
I was just telling my wife about the scariest house when I trick-or-treated as a kid...there was this wolfman that would come flying through the bushes at you as you made your way to the porch for candy. You had to walk down an old cement staircase to get to the yard, so there was only one way out...back up the damn stairs! They lived up on the hill and had howls playing over this loud speaker...so all night I had to build up the courage to go there. I can still picture the scene in my mind today, 21 years later.