10-15-2005, 08:19 PM
Quote:He rushed to George\'s, his son, room. He swipped at the light swich only to reveal nothing wrong. The silence was deafning. "I\'m insane, I\'m insane..." John muttered. He checked his daughter. She was fine too. John blacked out.The next morning, there was a knock at the glass door.. It was <span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'>John Senior\'s</span> helper, the local retard, Sam. He helped John with little odds and ends in exchange for a little bit of pay and all the meat he could take home.
Meanwhile, in Queens, NY, John\'s father was cleaning up for the night at his butcher shop. He was putting the cleaver away when there was a loud sound outside. The noise gave him a start and he dropped his cleaver right next to his foot. "Jesus!" he yelled. "Wow! I\'m lucky today." He laughed in his gruff voice and turned to leave. What he didn\'t noticed was that one of the meat packages was leaking. He slipped on the blood and gripped the automatic meat and cheese slicer for support as he left knee cracked under his weight exposing bone. As he tried to pull himself up he hit the "on" switch. Instantly his shirt was dragged into the machine. Screaming to a deaf audience, he was left to peer at himself in the store\'s mirror, watching his face being sliced off millimeter by millimeter like cheese...
"John, awe yuu dare?"
-- No response --
He unlocked the door and came in, helping himself to looking around.
"I wonduh why his cwothes awe aww ovuh de fwoor.. ?"
Scratching his head and trying his best to make sense of the situation, Sam decided he was going to gather up all the sliced meat he found on the table. He wondered why it was so bloody, as the meat was for the most part drained of blood normally. Ah well, it didn\'t matter to him. If John is taking off the day, why not take some of the what looked like, left overs? He got all the meat together, placed it on the usual styrofoam tray, wrapped it in celophane and set it to the side. He then cleaned up all the bone fragments and slivers and cleaned the top of the counter and floor. He knew John would appreciate it when he came back.
It was strange that John didn\'t show up that day, or the next day, or the day after that, but one thing was for sure: Sam and his family had some great hamburgers that night.