06-12-2006, 07:12 PM
I just had another surgery this last friday. They implanted a peratoneal catheter into my stomach. Its on the left side of my belly button and it goes all the way down into my peratoneal cavity. I should be able to do dialysis at my home in about 3 weeks after it has healed up. Things are going pretty crappy lately. My doctor has me on disability and my insurance company will not send my checks. All they do is keep sending more paperwork. Its a nightmare. Its been over 2 months since I have seen a paycheck. I am living with the parents again. Fun Fun. Thank you so much for the raffle that you guys did for me. That really means a lot to me. I\'m sure that money will really come in handy. I am tempted to stop dialysis completely. I know I won\'t last very long without it but guess what...won\'t last very long without money either. This is a greedy world that we live in brothers. Money is more important than anything anymore. I can\'t wait for everything to be over for me. I can\'t get in a relationship with a woman because they all think I\'m a freak when they see all these tubes coming out of my body. Its very frustrating. I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for being there for me and doing everything that you could. I truly appreciate it. I\'m not going to be around much longer and I just want you guys to know what it means to me....what you have done. I can no longer collect masks because....well its simple..i can\'t afford to buy anything anymore. Thank you again guys. Take care and God bless
Joe Petz
Joe Petz