03-28-2007, 06:53 PM
These are some new scores i got over the past couple months. I meant to post them as i got them, but my busy schedual would not permit me to. Enjoy!This set is a collaboration from three artists. The mask itself was bought blank from 'Nightstalker' i believe. I had it painted by Aaron (Creepingdead) and the Hockey Mask i'm not sure who made it. But it was painted by ours truly Steve(VF_31) Best regards guys. I love it![attachment=25064:attachment][attachment=25065:attachment][attachment=25066:attahment][attachment=25067:attachment][attachment=25068:attachment][attachment=2506:attachment][attachment=25070:attachment][attachment=25071:attachment][attachmen=25073:attachment][attachment=25074:attachment]