10-28-2004, 03:35 AM
believe me or not doesn\'t matter but i\'m almost possative my house is haunted . story goes as is : i was around 3 or so and an now 21 . so here i am in my basement with my babysitter and i\'m riding my bigwheel bike down there (i know you guys remember those
) and i pull up to this door that sealed closed thats by the furness and point to it . my babysitter comes up to it and says "where the hell did that come from?" and might i add he knew my mom for about 17 years before i was born and he has been over here before and never knew it was there . so he opens the door and this chilling breeze comes rushing out and i can not keep that door locked anymore since it has been opened . every now and then when i\'m down there i get these cold places where there\'s no vents at all , i hear glass breaking and go check it out but nothing is there , footsteps on the stairs , and a few times from my vent in my room my friend john and i both heard a voice, shadows apear on the walls and my mom and i turn around to see what it is and nothing is there . but ghost wise , all i know is the guy who lived in the house before us died in the basement about 60 years ago . when i was still in school my teacher made a bet with my friend greg since he had a camcorder to spend the whole night in my basement with all the lights off and he would give him $50 and no homework for the whole year . lets just say he didn\'t last an hour .