02-23-2005, 02:26 PM
Sorry to drudge up an older thread, but it\'s worth it. I got my mask from Mike yesterday and I can\'t describe how amazing it is. I don\'t know what all of you are waiting for...this is top-of-the-line craftsmenship, people!!! Get in line now, because when everyone finally catches on to just how damn good he makes these things, it will be a long wait for sure. Heck, even Justin thought it was worthy enough to post it...that says somehting right there! :lol:
You know, for awhile there, I was getting out of the hockey thing...just not as interested anymore...but this has turned me around. Excellent work, man, and I look forward to getting more from you.
You know, for awhile there, I was getting out of the hockey thing...just not as interested anymore...but this has turned me around. Excellent work, man, and I look forward to getting more from you.