07-19-2006, 02:40 AM
Alright fellas, i\'m about to start filming my next film project. I dont know how many of you have seen the MONSTER SQUAD, but its going to be a fresher version of that (well kind of). In the monster squad, corey feldman and his fellow punk-assed freinds are confronted with the fact that the classic movie monsters are in fact, real. They go out and basically hunt them. well there is the premise for what i\'m doing, only instead of punk-assed kids with sling shots and stupid catch phrases, i have a team of 7 marine-styled, "monster hunters". but instead of the classic movie monsters, gillman,dracula,wolfman,frank, etc. I\'m using our time classics that burned guy,Jman,myers,bubba and the predator. I have unique locations for each monsters home. For fred, i have pulled the permit to film in a abonded school in downtown jacksonville that still has a VERY large and accurate boiler room, its actually very amazing and creepy. For myers, i got the same style permit for use of an old psyche hospital/terbuculosis clinic in tallahasee called sunnyland. This film is going to last estimated 45-50 minutes (based off of story board) and is goign to be full of the things that we all loved in classic horror movies that todays cinema seems to lack. The cool part about the monster designs are that they are all fan based designs of the orgianl monsters. For example, the Jman segemnt is going to feature mikes hellbound mask in all of its disgusting glory. Instead of normal that burned guy, the DOCK DEMON style is going to be used, also featuring a fan built glove hopefully being made by a member here (if he wants to chime in) you get the idea. I just wanted to share this with the NIGHTOWL community and see what oyu guys think, this isnt going to be a crappy 7 minute film you find on U-TUBE, but a great fan film, being produced by a crew of film school grads. If anyone has any ideas, please drop them in here, i would love some feedback form some of the most diehard horror movie buffs around. PS anyone in the florida area, i\'m looking for someone ot play bubba, i need someone bigger about 6\'4. The costume will be supplied and compensation for the drive can also be arranged. PM me for more details.