Well i got afew new scores recently so i took some pics .I got a EC Zombie by our own Justin from mike.Great peice and has a very cool vibe to it.Next i got a Part 3 Hockey Mask from Mike, clean version.excellent Hockey Mask wish i could take pics that could do it justice.Also got a NIGHTOWL Mutant today from Crystal lake Killer.Also received a Cinearts frankenstein bust from krazy Ken.been trying to get this peice from him for awhile and its one of my new fav peices.Also got DP reissue Mummy and Phantom mask in a trade with Goaliehack and i cant thank him enough for these cool masks.Also received a red october from NCS and i got a SSN H20 v2.0 form david(h8shape).All these guys are top notch to deal with and i love all these new scores.Thanks for looking......