02-27-2010, 01:46 PM
OK well I would like to say that there was a bit of a mix up So I had to bump Andy k4fgloves part 4 up so here is a video I shot the other day not 100% finished in the video but its already shipped so check it out. It is the sweet dreams edition as all my clients who have waited for god knows how long can choose the upgraded models for no extra.-Ken<b>VIDEO!</b><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WX3-QYcS0\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WX3-QYcS0</a>[attachment=32739:4ultimite_009_0002.jpg] [attachment=32740:4ultimite_009_0001.jpg]