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How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - Printable Version

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How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - Lewis Tully - 11-30-2004

That\'s pretty funny... Good times. Tongue

May try that...

But I\'d say they\'d lock your ass up first, and ask the questions later...

(I know it\'s a joke, but saying that, it prolly wouldn\'t work.... Ah well...)


How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - The13thDreamShape - 11-30-2004


How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - fiend52 - 11-30-2004

lol..! that\'s pretty funny

How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - noxious_infestation - 11-30-2004


How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - Bullzilla65 - 11-30-2004

Too funny! My luck though, the cop would have an itchy finger and blow me away. Cept in this town. They all know me all too well here. heh heh heh

How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - gmyers - 11-30-2004

I have how to get out of a ticket on one of my shirts. I\'ll wear it tomorrow and post it! Wink

How To Beat A Speeding Ticket? - Mutilated - 11-30-2004

LMAO! I wanna try that.