03-18-2006, 07:57 AM
Quote:Saw the flick tonight, and man what a movie!
Love the mask, got a link where I can pick one up?
Yea, wasn\'t that a mind blowing pic? The graphic novel only had a few major differences, but I thought the Wachowski Brothers did a marvelous job penning it to the big screen! I\'ve been a fan for awhile, and as you can see by my earlier posts - I thought it was going to suck! I love that it stayed true to the book and was mostly serious and dramatic dialogue, with only a few fight scenes...but boy...did those fight scenes rock!
Link for a mask? These are just a few. Keep in mind that there are 3 different types of masks produced.
1) Fan-produced - not so good, but can pass for the average fan. Mildly cheap in price. $5-$80
2) The Official Plastic version - given away at San Diego Comic-Con, and Wonderland. Never officially sold to the public, but can be found on Ebay for anywhere around $20-$80.
3) The Official Cold-Cast Porcelain Version (Cast from Hugo Weaving\'s Hero Prop) - This is what I have. DC Direct has only made 500 of these, and most are already sold out. My advice, if you want one, is to buy immediately. They are very strict about not reproducing past the 500 limit mark. These sell for around $160-$200 on websites, but have previously sold on Ebay for as low as $130. I don\'t think they\'ll go as low as that anymore.
[url=\"http://search.ebay.com//search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=v+for+vendetta+mask\"]Link for Ebay search for V Mask[/url]
[url=\"http://cgi.ebay.com/V-FOR-VENDETTA-MASK-REPLICA-DC-DIRECT-ALAN-MOORE_W0QQitemZ6614733153QQcategoryZ88874QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem\"]Link for specific V Auction[/url]
[url=\"http://froogle.google.com/froogle_cluster?q=v+for+vendetta+mask&pid=4895548412842838530&oid=4960164201171867223&btnG=Search+Froogle&scoring=mrd\"]Link for Froogle search for V Mask[/url]
[url=\"http://www.midtowncomics.com/eshop/productdetail.asp?PRID=36169&hitby=froogle\"]Direct link to an authorized distributor [/url]
Hope this helps!