12-12-2006, 06:47 AM
well, i live in alabama so we have all kinds of good stuff down this way. When i first moved down here, we lived in an area that was completely undeveloped for the most part. We had run ins with all kinds of wildlife from bobcats to bears to coyotes and even snakes. I have caught and/or killed copperheads, coral snakes, cottonmouths, etc....then there are all the random non venomous snakes as well. In respect to the Diamondbacks, we had something similar happen here about 18 years ago or so. Woman across the street calls my house screaming and my mom grabs a hand gun and heads out the door. Of course i take off after her, being the nosy kid that i was. I got across the street and i swear it was the biggest snake i had seen up to that point. It was close to seven feet long and was just fat as hell. To my knowledge Diamondbacks are not indigenous to my area at all. That is the only time i have ever come across one. All you really see around here are the little ground rattlers...which is what we call them at least...very cool stuff man.....though i think you are mental for having rattlers....