03-27-2007, 06:59 PM
I love this piece so much i have been contemplating on spending the 1000 for it.I really want to get in touch with an fx guy such as Brad Hardin to see if he would be willing to do a private pt7 costume for me.I know it would be alot of dough but would be well worth it since there isnt anyone who doe's a part 7 costume at the moment.The one thing i didnt really like about this piece was the Hockey Mask.I mean i know it's all supervised by john carl buechler and all but for some reason it seem's so bland.Ide personally want to see what this bad boy would look like with a Hockey Mask from say VF31,JDF or FOD.Awesome score man....i hope you love it man because if ya dont ill take it from ya lol.