04-28-2008, 12:21 PM
I don't own a Christian Cocco mask, but I do own an SPFX silicone Freddy so I can help answer these for you:1. Silicone masks stretch quite a bit, yes, and unless you have an unusually small head, it should fit fine. Large heads almost work better because it stretches to fit the size of your head. It's much different than latex...it's made to stretch out over the wearer. So yes, it should fit you just fine.2. They only rip easily if you don't know how to handle them. The areas you have to look out for are the eye holes, nose holes, and the mouth. Just don't pull up or down on them and it will last. You can pull side to side with no problem, so use that method when getting into the mask. Don't yank it down over your head....put your hands inside it and stretch it from side to side. If it does rip, it can be repaired with 100% silicone (found at any hardware store). It takes a bit to work with it (since the set up time is a day or two to cure) but it can be done.3. The mask itself doesn't breathe...meaning it's not porous (if that's what you were asking). But I've been able to wear mine for a couple hours without a problem. But that was outside in the fall when it was relatively cool out. If you're at some crowded party inside, well, you'll get hot in it. In that sense, it's kind of like latex but I don't suggest you poking holes in your maks. It will weaken it and make it susceptible to rips. Besides, any small hole you poke in it will close right up so you would have to make a pretty large hole (well, at least the size of the nose holes) for any ventilation which, again, weakens the mask and just won't look good. If you're outside with it most of the time, you should be ok. The only thing you have to be careful with is hearing...sounds are muffled, but it's not that big of a deal.4. Yes, you can speak freely and I even eat and drink with mine on. And yes, you can add dentures too.5. No guarantee that they will fit, but again, these masks a re made to stretch onto the wearer. Unless you're 10 years old with a child-sized head, you should be fine.Again, I'm only speaking from experience with my SPFX Freddy but I imagine they are pretty close as most all silicone masks share these properties. Hope that helps!