09-11-2008, 11:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2008, 12:01 PM by Hellbilly1965.)
Nick, you have the right idea about acheiving "FORM" before anything else.But look... one problem i see on this form with beginners all the time... Dont let thatarmature cast give you a false sence of accomplishment.( would you be able to achieve thebasic human form you HAVE with out the rigid foam cast)?yesterday you asked questions, creepingdead answerd them. (you clay isnt thick enough) its not only criticalto the latex castings, but you may create a locked mold.stage one-rough out/block up your form... create and OVER ALL thickness of about and inch +while working toward the human form....stage two- gather reference material ( illustrated anatomy) is great... find the best shots of Robert englundsugly mug WITH OUT the freddy make-up..(from various angles)stage three- GO TO WORK!!! (you'll have those moments where you think that you just cant do this..those are moments where you either go to the next level, or quit.) sculpting well is difficult. 90 percent work 10 percent talent.tools you will need... calipers,sculpting tools (loops, spoons, rakes, stamps, brushes, (acohol, water depending on what clay your using)alot of sculptors are not satisfied with their work ( im one of them) we dont finish pieces we abandon them.one more thing there Nick, if you get to a place during sculpting ( a block) and you just cant get the look you want, stop workingcover the sculpt with a black plastic bag and leave it alone for a while. when you return and remove the black bag you WILL see the problem MUCH more clearly, it will be kinda like seeing it for the very first time... when other people view your work the first thing they see are the flaws.well, i do hope this will be of some help to you.... good luck, DB.