04-05-2009, 12:30 AM
Hey Tom,This sweater was made by Susan at www.customsweaters.com. The style (her "Bold Stripes") had been discontinued, but after some negotiation I was able to get her to make one for me (don't ask me what I paid...). I had many customizations to her basic style that I wanted, and we went back and forth by email a lot to work out all the details. This one was done to my measurements, and given more of a "V" cut by widening the shoulders and tapering the waist area a bit. Also, the set-in sleeves were modified to have less tapering (more of a straight line seam) like on the screen sweater. This also allows the stripes on the sleeves to hang a bit below the stripes on the body when I wear it, like on the screen sweater. The sleeve/body lengths were also adjusted. Etc...Anyway, she really did a fantastic job. The only minor thing I would change in the future is the collar. The screen collar sticks up a little more than hers do (I think it may be a slightly different style, similar to a short mock turtleneck).