01-05-2005, 06:26 AM
Quote:I was just thinking, lately I\'ve been thinking about the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Reading stuff online, looking to pick up the dvd soon, and looking through eBay auctions for Don Post calender mask reissues of the Creature. Now what\'s interesting to me is,..........I\'ve never seen the movie!! One day I just woke up and was like, "Hey, the Creatures cool!" and then I started looking at more stuff online about it.Uh oh dude...im not sure...but i think this means you have sexual feelings for the creature..teehe jk
now what I wonder is,....why? and what started it? I\'ve never had any interest in the Creature or the old B&W horror movies beyond what I caught on Sunday tv growing up. But lately I\'m thinking about the Creature.
anyway, I really don\'t know what the actual point of this post was, I just think it\'s kind of interesting that you can wake up one day with an interest in a monster you never really paid much attention to before.
Maybe I had a dream or something about the Creature and just woke up with it on the brain or something.
Same thing happened with Myers, I just woke up one day and was like, "wow, how could I have missed how cool he is ! ? ! ?"
so uh, this kinda stuff ever happen to you guys? Or is it just official that I\'m wierd, lol.