02-09-2005, 01:49 AM
i know my 2 cents isnt needed so i\'ll throw in 3 cents
First off personal shit is personal and shoudlnt interferr with business..Im gonan explain my shit aget a busy ass halloween season i came back on with tons of orders to do and more comming in, as well as realtion ship problems and what if\'s and doubts all in my head, 2 weeks before xmas my mother had a heart attack and had to have a triple bypass..so what i did was i was there during visiting hours and drove back worked on mask then back to the hospital,staying up later to finsih peopels stuff..did i have to?? no...did customers ask me too?? no....did i give all these reasons why stuff shipped late?? no... i jsut worked and didnt bulls*%^ people, i had to stop taking orders to ge tcaught up then i had no money to ship so what did i do? i sold a few mask to ship peoples stuff i didnt go buy new stuff and make peopel wait..i brag about hwat i got commign in when i myself wasnt shipping.. i handled all medical descions and i was there all the way but i stil lstay focused..
and i didnt rush stuff jsut to get it out either..PLEASE LISTEN CLOSE who are still owed mask from other makers??? and prob will never get them let me know in this post or email i have soemthign in my head
First off personal shit is personal and shoudlnt interferr with business..Im gonan explain my shit aget a busy ass halloween season i came back on with tons of orders to do and more comming in, as well as realtion ship problems and what if\'s and doubts all in my head, 2 weeks before xmas my mother had a heart attack and had to have a triple bypass..so what i did was i was there during visiting hours and drove back worked on mask then back to the hospital,staying up later to finsih peopels stuff..did i have to?? no...did customers ask me too?? no....did i give all these reasons why stuff shipped late?? no... i jsut worked and didnt bulls*%^ people, i had to stop taking orders to ge tcaught up then i had no money to ship so what did i do? i sold a few mask to ship peoples stuff i didnt go buy new stuff and make peopel wait..i brag about hwat i got commign in when i myself wasnt shipping.. i handled all medical descions and i was there all the way but i stil lstay focused..
and i didnt rush stuff jsut to get it out either..PLEASE LISTEN CLOSE who are still owed mask from other makers??? and prob will never get them let me know in this post or email i have soemthign in my head