10-07-2005, 08:21 PM
Quote:If you look at the hockey mask in the sequences before ol\' Jason gets the woodchopper in his sizeable melon, and then right after you can plainly see that its two different masks...Im using hole spacing and the scuffs, but of course my eyes could be playing tricks on me.
Where the hell is the hero mask ?
Yep. There were two masks used on the set of part 3. The "different" one you\'re talking about was only used for that 20-something second ending scene, then went on to become the part 4 mask. Afterward I hear that Tom Savini kept the part 3 hero for a few years then finally sold it to a private collector.
I haven\'t met anyone who will willingly divulge information about the current owner, but he seems to be in at least somewhat close contact with Paramount. I say this because the Part 3 hero mask was used to make a composite image (spliced with a screen-used X hockey mask) on the front of Peter Bracke\'s new book, "Crystal Lake Memories." I also suspect that it was used on the "new" DVD covers for a couple of the F13 movies in the Paramount box set, complete with computer-added triangles.