11-20-2005, 01:36 AM
Quote:Ya know we got one of those last year and at first I was very iffy about it, but it turned out to be a very fun dog. The damn thing moves so fast and jumps higher than you\'d believe. The only problem is that they are usually untrusting of unfamilar people and will not hesitate to bite when strangers try to pet them. Otherwise, they can be a blast.
Yeah, I came to bed last night (this morning) at about 5am. She wanted to go out so I took her. Brought her back in, picked her and set on the bed. As soon as I took my hands off of her she turned around and went ape shit on me and me bit me. She does that alot but it seems like she\'s getting used to me and my daughter. She LOVES my wife.....
And Travis, it\'s not a rat, dummy.... It\'s a gerbil. I hate gerbils.