Whats up everybody new here just wanted to introduce myslef im 4444 im sure some of you dont know me but if your a member at GT you probly do... Whats up everybody..
Welcome to the board! Hope you have a fun time here!
Slasher, good move! That is appreaciated, but not necessary, since Justin dosen\'t make a part 8 undermask, so there is no competition. Basically if you can\'t say \'go to the catalog\' you can post other places to check out, within reason.
So for part 8 undermasks there are 4 out there right now to my knowledge, one by Cropsy cropsymaniac46@hotmail.com (you have to email him for info) one by Neil Goldsmith lmcadmin@latexmaskcentral.com (you aslo have to email him for info) one by Sam Patchin [url=\"http://latexmaskcentral.com/mm.php\"]http://latexmaskcentral.com/mm.php[/url] and one by Cyclonus [url=\"http://www.245trioxin.com/2/toxic.htm\"]http://www.245trioxin.com/2/toxic.htm[/url]