03-17-2009, 04:17 PM
I implemented some new word filters yesterday that are to eliminate certain words from this forum. If you don't understand why, I'll give you two reasons: FIRST, many of the adult members here have kids who look at the site with them to see the cool new masks, gloves, etc. that can be found on the forum. Not everyone wants their kids to read or hear certain words. SECOND, this forum belongs to Justin Mabry, who makes masks. You want to swear? Go to a site that has nothing to do with a business. You may think this is simply a horror forum but it's not.That said, if you circumvent these new filters by spelling out the words, you will be given a warning. Keep it up and you won't be on this forum anymore.Got an inappropriate avatar? We're taking it down and you can replace it.Wanna be a jerk to someone who asked a question that you deem stupid? That's a warning. Just ignore the topic.These rules are not ridiculous by any means and we have been far too lenient in the past regarding them. If you have not read the forum rules, I suggest you do so before making another post.-Dan