you might have a better chance of finding someone to sell a Cropsy Hockey Mask rather than a NIGHTOWL Hockey Mask . Justin\'s are very very cool but rare as hell . good luck my new friend .
Quote:you might have a better chance of finding someone to sell a Cropsy Hockey Mask rather than a NIGHTOWL Hockey Mask . Justin\'s are very very cool but rare as hell . good luck my new friend .
That quote was pretty off, in the past few months I have seen about 3 F7s for sale, and atleast 3 F4s from J-man *pauls, garys, and slashers I do believe*. Though, in the past 6 months I have only seen a Vs from Crops for sell and an old school F6. Though, both are amazing hockey masks in quality, ecpecially when done great.
sorry for the wrong info i gave . i know i\'ve seen 1 NIGHTOWL f7 and a cropsy vs. for sale but other than that i haven\'t seen much else lately. i might just be looking at the wrong boards or just miss it when i\'m looking at the new threads .
but from those 2 guys nomatter what the price is , you ARE getting a great top notch mask .