07-09-2006, 08:21 PM
i was digging in some boxes in msy studio the other day, i have alot of boxes since i moved into my new palce and never unpacked them and i found htis little guy. I got him form the owner of fx warehouse in in orlando, she told me that he is from the orginal movie molds (which i dont dispute considering she owns the molds from Many horror films) i got him blank and i never painted him. He is made of solid resin, and comes with bolth ears which are almost a feet in length each!! detial on this is amazing, i\'ll consider trades or cash, just want to find him a new home,a nd someone that can finish him. this is one of the best peices i have ever owned. NOT A RECAST OF THE VINYL MODEL THAT WAS RELEASED A WHILE BACK, FULL SIZED MOVIE MOLD CASTING!