12-20-2004, 03:53 AM
I would also like to clear some things up, dealing with past differences with Mark "Grafix28" Goodson. Now it is my chance to tell you my side of the story. This may be long, but please bear with me.
Let us begin on the subject of the Robert Englund sculpting dispute. First off, I don\'t ever remember you out and out telling us that you were working on a Pre-Burn Fred, it was merely assumed by some of the members of NIGHTOWL. All you said, time and time again, was "He\'s Coming". Not mentioning who "he" was, just telling us that something was on it\'s way. Ever since I went to see Freddy vs. Jason at the theater, I\'ve had this idea of making a Fred before the fire. Nearly two and half months ago, I began work on one. However, after a few days of sculpting, I didn\'t like the direction it was heading in. So, because of that, I decided to give up on it. There it sat, rock hard wed clay, for a few weeks, until I threw it out. Recently, seeing my newer sculpting and detailing abilities, I wanted to try making another one. I figured that my paint work should be good enough to tackle a real human subject, something I had never sculpted before. Well, aside from my Spaulding project.. Anyways, I thought that a "Pre-Burn" Freddy would make for a very nice display piece, even if it would be a difficult sell. Knowing how many Fred\'s you have sculpted, I asked around to see if anybody knew whether or not you were working on an Englund. Everyone said that they didn\'t think so, which prompted me to try it myself. After a few days of work, I noticed that you had just put up a thread, saying that you have begun work your own Robert piece. Had I have known that you were, infact, making one, I would not have even taken the time to. I would have rather worked on something different, maybe even an original zombie. So, I posted in your thread, laughing about the fact that we were both making the same character at the same time. I even showed a small picture of mine, just to let you know. This wasn\'t meant to cause any harm, it was merely to let you know that I had also had my hands busy sculpting one. Either way, we both ended up with two different Englund pieces. If you look at the photo\'s, it is plain to see. We\'re two different artists, with two different styles, and ended up with two different products.
As for the New Nightmare style Freddy, I\'ve been itching to do one of these for quite some time now. He is the most unique, most evil, most creative version of all the make-ups done so far. After sculpting an Englund, I thought that I should be able to get a real good likeness going. Once again, I did not know anything about you making a new one of your own. I did know that you made one awhile back, called "The Stuntman", which was a popular seller, along side your Part 1. After I finished this piece, I wasn\'t very happy with it. I thought the shape was off, and the head was too long. So, what I decided to do, was to sculpture one on my armature, purchased from Monster Makers, using Oil Based Clay. I haven\'t used that in a long time, I\'m used to Wed Clay now. Getting used to it was strange, especially the smoothing aspect. But, instead of making this a normal mask, I wanted to make it very thin on the armature. This way, my brother, Don, would be able to wear it and make facial expressions through it, almost like a prosthetic. We\'ve always enjoyed making fan films, so this was going to be the mask for it. We even have a sweater and glove on the way. This mask will not be for sale and was for personal use only.
As for me "copying" your work, I was not copying your work. Actually, I was copying David Miller\'s work, as were you. For those who don\'t know, David Miller is the guys responsible for much of Fred\'s make-up throughout the Nightmare series. I took many screencaps from the film, trying to get clear views of all angles, to make sure I would get all the correct scars and details. As I stated before, I did not use your sculpture as a referrence. I mean, why would I have to when I have plenty of great shots from the movie of the actual character? All the things I did not like about my other mask, I reworked and changed. I\'m sure you did the same when looking at your "Stuntman" mask. Anytime that you make another version of the same character, you also have to refer back to your last one to correct any errors. I\'m no stranger to redoing the same character either. I\'ve done two Part 2 Jason\'s, two Myers\', two Fred\'s, and five LF\'s. If you aren\'t satisfied with something, you do another. The more you sculpture, the better your abilities become, making you want to redo something you\'ve done in the past, but utilizing your new talents. Thus was the case with all those characters I named off. Besides, this newer version is not for sale, since it will be a very small, skin tight mask for my brother.
The whole "black and white" photo matter really has me laughing. You probably haven\'t noticed, but around ninety percent of my sculpture photo\'s have been either changed and stylized to black and white, or a beige colour. This dates back to my Pinhead sculpture, which was one of first things I made. Probably my fifth or sixth piece. If you\'ve seen my Pumpkinhead sculpture, the pics are all black and white, and some were orange. I\'ve been doing that for a long, long time. The B&W helps to bring out the details more, as well as using brightness and contrast. I\'ve never been able to take great sculpture photo\'s, nor mask photo\'s, period. But, if you look back, most of them have been recoloured in Photoshop. Kind of a silly thing for you to point out, considering how I tend to make all my pics that way.
Now, I like the little picture collage/comparison image you made. That must have took you a while, with all that cropping and layering. I guess you want us to look at the eyes, to see how I made mine to look just like yours. But first, I\'d like you to take a look at this image I made.
![[Image: eyes_tell.jpg]](http://www.geocities.com/maskmurderer1/eyes_tell.jpg)
Wow, you know Mark, our sculpts eyes are similar. Wait, they also look a lot like that guy in the other two photo\'s. Perhaps that is because both of our pieces were made while looking at screencaps from the film. I don\'t know how you got it into your head that I made mine based on yours. I would only sculpture something when I have great pictures of the real character. Last time I did something with no referrence, it was called "The Cattle Killer". Let\'s just say I learned my lesson there.
Where you say that we all jumped in with "smart ass comments", what would you call your remark about naming my piece "The Copy Cat Killer"? I supposed we were just exchanging "smart ass comments" from that point on. Sometimes two people in this world come up with the same ideas at the same time. If you don\'t act on them immediately, someone else might just get it out before you. If you think up an idea for a film, two years later you\'ll say, "Hey, I thought of that before!". That is the way life is, very ironic. If you like competition, you should learn to live with it, not try to start an attack on it.
I\'m a grown man and I can think for myself, I\'m not going to "steal" other people\'s ideas. Take a look around, Mark. We all sculpture characters that don\'t belong to us. Hell, even New Line Cinema has been sueing certain companies out there, and there is a big block on eBay auctions for non-official New Line masks. We are all taking from somewhere, aren\'t we?
Now, since that is cleared up, I\'d like to make a point or two myself.
Speaking of "stepping on toes", perhaps you\'ll remember a thread that was called something like "Masks That Have Never Been Made". In it, you mentioned "A Screen Accurate Kemper Mask". I find it hard to believe that you\'d never seen our Second Skin mask, even though you claimed that you didn\'t know we had already done a Kemper. Both Travsall and Warlock received one from us and posted them on here. Warlock had it as his avatar for awhile, and Travsall had two pictures of him wearing it in an older signature image. Not only that, but it was all over our site, especially the message board. Even now if you go on our board, you\'ll see the Second Skin on the head logo and the post icons on the front section. This, to me, seemed like you knew that we made one, but thought you\'d make a "dig" by saying "a screen accurate" version. And if you honestly didn\'t know that we made one, than you should be able to understand that we honestly didn\'t know anything about you planning on making an Englund, and we asked around to be sure.
And to close, I\'d just like to say that we are two distinct artists, who have worked on many different projects. I have sculpted over thirty some odd pieces so far, ranging from zombies, to Freds, to Jasons, to LF\'s, to you name it. You also have sculpted a fair share of characters, though you mainly stick with Freddy, whom you always do a great job with. Ask around anywhere, they all say that "Mark is the Freddy guy, get a mask from him!". People love your Fred masks, and always will. You can\'t take away someone\'s talent to make something, if it\'s good. But for some reason, no matter what I do, or how good it might be, you just feel the need to jack it. I don\'t remember saying anything bad about any of the work I\'ve seen you do, though I did feel a bit bad when you mentioned about the Kemper mask. If you have a problem with me, please either send me a Personal Message, or just don\'t bother posting a negative comment about me at all. I truely hope that this "feud" between us is put to an end, because it isn\'t helping anyone and is only causing members to argue. Let\'s just put it all behind us and lay it to rest.
Bob (written on behalf of his brother, Don)
Let us begin on the subject of the Robert Englund sculpting dispute. First off, I don\'t ever remember you out and out telling us that you were working on a Pre-Burn Fred, it was merely assumed by some of the members of NIGHTOWL. All you said, time and time again, was "He\'s Coming". Not mentioning who "he" was, just telling us that something was on it\'s way. Ever since I went to see Freddy vs. Jason at the theater, I\'ve had this idea of making a Fred before the fire. Nearly two and half months ago, I began work on one. However, after a few days of sculpting, I didn\'t like the direction it was heading in. So, because of that, I decided to give up on it. There it sat, rock hard wed clay, for a few weeks, until I threw it out. Recently, seeing my newer sculpting and detailing abilities, I wanted to try making another one. I figured that my paint work should be good enough to tackle a real human subject, something I had never sculpted before. Well, aside from my Spaulding project.. Anyways, I thought that a "Pre-Burn" Freddy would make for a very nice display piece, even if it would be a difficult sell. Knowing how many Fred\'s you have sculpted, I asked around to see if anybody knew whether or not you were working on an Englund. Everyone said that they didn\'t think so, which prompted me to try it myself. After a few days of work, I noticed that you had just put up a thread, saying that you have begun work your own Robert piece. Had I have known that you were, infact, making one, I would not have even taken the time to. I would have rather worked on something different, maybe even an original zombie. So, I posted in your thread, laughing about the fact that we were both making the same character at the same time. I even showed a small picture of mine, just to let you know. This wasn\'t meant to cause any harm, it was merely to let you know that I had also had my hands busy sculpting one. Either way, we both ended up with two different Englund pieces. If you look at the photo\'s, it is plain to see. We\'re two different artists, with two different styles, and ended up with two different products.
As for the New Nightmare style Freddy, I\'ve been itching to do one of these for quite some time now. He is the most unique, most evil, most creative version of all the make-ups done so far. After sculpting an Englund, I thought that I should be able to get a real good likeness going. Once again, I did not know anything about you making a new one of your own. I did know that you made one awhile back, called "The Stuntman", which was a popular seller, along side your Part 1. After I finished this piece, I wasn\'t very happy with it. I thought the shape was off, and the head was too long. So, what I decided to do, was to sculpture one on my armature, purchased from Monster Makers, using Oil Based Clay. I haven\'t used that in a long time, I\'m used to Wed Clay now. Getting used to it was strange, especially the smoothing aspect. But, instead of making this a normal mask, I wanted to make it very thin on the armature. This way, my brother, Don, would be able to wear it and make facial expressions through it, almost like a prosthetic. We\'ve always enjoyed making fan films, so this was going to be the mask for it. We even have a sweater and glove on the way. This mask will not be for sale and was for personal use only.
As for me "copying" your work, I was not copying your work. Actually, I was copying David Miller\'s work, as were you. For those who don\'t know, David Miller is the guys responsible for much of Fred\'s make-up throughout the Nightmare series. I took many screencaps from the film, trying to get clear views of all angles, to make sure I would get all the correct scars and details. As I stated before, I did not use your sculpture as a referrence. I mean, why would I have to when I have plenty of great shots from the movie of the actual character? All the things I did not like about my other mask, I reworked and changed. I\'m sure you did the same when looking at your "Stuntman" mask. Anytime that you make another version of the same character, you also have to refer back to your last one to correct any errors. I\'m no stranger to redoing the same character either. I\'ve done two Part 2 Jason\'s, two Myers\', two Fred\'s, and five LF\'s. If you aren\'t satisfied with something, you do another. The more you sculpture, the better your abilities become, making you want to redo something you\'ve done in the past, but utilizing your new talents. Thus was the case with all those characters I named off. Besides, this newer version is not for sale, since it will be a very small, skin tight mask for my brother.
The whole "black and white" photo matter really has me laughing. You probably haven\'t noticed, but around ninety percent of my sculpture photo\'s have been either changed and stylized to black and white, or a beige colour. This dates back to my Pinhead sculpture, which was one of first things I made. Probably my fifth or sixth piece. If you\'ve seen my Pumpkinhead sculpture, the pics are all black and white, and some were orange. I\'ve been doing that for a long, long time. The B&W helps to bring out the details more, as well as using brightness and contrast. I\'ve never been able to take great sculpture photo\'s, nor mask photo\'s, period. But, if you look back, most of them have been recoloured in Photoshop. Kind of a silly thing for you to point out, considering how I tend to make all my pics that way.
Now, I like the little picture collage/comparison image you made. That must have took you a while, with all that cropping and layering. I guess you want us to look at the eyes, to see how I made mine to look just like yours. But first, I\'d like you to take a look at this image I made.
![[Image: eyes_tell.jpg]](http://www.geocities.com/maskmurderer1/eyes_tell.jpg)
Wow, you know Mark, our sculpts eyes are similar. Wait, they also look a lot like that guy in the other two photo\'s. Perhaps that is because both of our pieces were made while looking at screencaps from the film. I don\'t know how you got it into your head that I made mine based on yours. I would only sculpture something when I have great pictures of the real character. Last time I did something with no referrence, it was called "The Cattle Killer". Let\'s just say I learned my lesson there.
Where you say that we all jumped in with "smart ass comments", what would you call your remark about naming my piece "The Copy Cat Killer"? I supposed we were just exchanging "smart ass comments" from that point on. Sometimes two people in this world come up with the same ideas at the same time. If you don\'t act on them immediately, someone else might just get it out before you. If you think up an idea for a film, two years later you\'ll say, "Hey, I thought of that before!". That is the way life is, very ironic. If you like competition, you should learn to live with it, not try to start an attack on it.
I\'m a grown man and I can think for myself, I\'m not going to "steal" other people\'s ideas. Take a look around, Mark. We all sculpture characters that don\'t belong to us. Hell, even New Line Cinema has been sueing certain companies out there, and there is a big block on eBay auctions for non-official New Line masks. We are all taking from somewhere, aren\'t we?
Now, since that is cleared up, I\'d like to make a point or two myself.
Speaking of "stepping on toes", perhaps you\'ll remember a thread that was called something like "Masks That Have Never Been Made". In it, you mentioned "A Screen Accurate Kemper Mask". I find it hard to believe that you\'d never seen our Second Skin mask, even though you claimed that you didn\'t know we had already done a Kemper. Both Travsall and Warlock received one from us and posted them on here. Warlock had it as his avatar for awhile, and Travsall had two pictures of him wearing it in an older signature image. Not only that, but it was all over our site, especially the message board. Even now if you go on our board, you\'ll see the Second Skin on the head logo and the post icons on the front section. This, to me, seemed like you knew that we made one, but thought you\'d make a "dig" by saying "a screen accurate" version. And if you honestly didn\'t know that we made one, than you should be able to understand that we honestly didn\'t know anything about you planning on making an Englund, and we asked around to be sure.
And to close, I\'d just like to say that we are two distinct artists, who have worked on many different projects. I have sculpted over thirty some odd pieces so far, ranging from zombies, to Freds, to Jasons, to LF\'s, to you name it. You also have sculpted a fair share of characters, though you mainly stick with Freddy, whom you always do a great job with. Ask around anywhere, they all say that "Mark is the Freddy guy, get a mask from him!". People love your Fred masks, and always will. You can\'t take away someone\'s talent to make something, if it\'s good. But for some reason, no matter what I do, or how good it might be, you just feel the need to jack it. I don\'t remember saying anything bad about any of the work I\'ve seen you do, though I did feel a bit bad when you mentioned about the Kemper mask. If you have a problem with me, please either send me a Personal Message, or just don\'t bother posting a negative comment about me at all. I truely hope that this "feud" between us is put to an end, because it isn\'t helping anyone and is only causing members to argue. Let\'s just put it all behind us and lay it to rest.
Bob (written on behalf of his brother, Don)