03-10-2005, 04:13 AM
Quote:i mean no disrespect, but i have a question. Is the quiz very fair in respect to the whole whoever can post the correct answer first deal. Alot of us work full time and are not at computers all day. So, for example, I could never win based upon the fact that the question will already be answered by someone who does frequent the internet on an hourly basis. Again, I am not trying to start anything, or disresptect anyone who can frequent the boards that often...god i wish i could do that....but i just wanted to speak my mind...Sorry guys
Tommy, my friend...I understand your concern, and I think I\'ve come up with a good method of making the trivia more fair and more fun for everybody. I\'m going to post 3 questions a day, but at 3 random times a day...so that no one can just sit there and get them all...there will probably be 1 in the morning 1 in the noon time and 1 at night, but this could be any time I actually think to put one up...so it\'s going to be alot more fair in that aspect...and also...I\'m going to ask horror questions from the entire spectrum...not just new horror or old horror...but ALL horror questions. I want this to be alot of fun for everybody and I want it to be fair. Hope this will help out if anyone was thinking of joining in.