Socom is awesome, you should play it online too. You can\'t type to people but its still fun. The gigapacks been out in canada for a few weeks, I wish it was out when I got mine.
my bro has a psp and i like it just cuz you can browse the internet and play online at just about any WAP. but havuing the 1 GB card would be nice seeing as it runs out of memory all the time with the 32 MB
If you can get a 1.0 or 1.5 PSP go for it! You can play emulators and stuff (NES, GBA, GB, SNES, GENESIS, the list goes on). If you arent interested in that, any version will do. You can even downgrade 2.0 to 1.5 to play emulators, but 2.5 (the latest) isnt cracked yet, so you are stuck with official games. I have a 1.5, myself, and I wont upgrade till the new stuff is cracked, and if it never happens, I am more than happy on the old firmware.