03-28-2007, 02:05 AM
O.k. I really need to part with some stuff, I'm only keeping my batman and spiderman comics so here's what's up for grabs.ALL COMICS ARE MINT, SOME IN PLASTIC STILL NEVER READ.Puppet Master Issue #1 Demonic Toys Issue #1Superman In Action Issue #8 (In Plastic)Catwoman Issue #56Robin Issue #29Street Fighter Issue #1Nightwing Escape To Blackgate:2 Issue #36Superman in Action Issue #694 (In plastic)Superboy Losin' It Part 3 of 6 Issue #27CAGE Issue #6Raver Issue #1 Holofoil CoverRaver Issue #2Shadow Strikes! Issue #1 1989 (Very Thick)Unlimited Access #2 (Featuring X-men, The Legion Of Super-Heroes and More)Unlimited Access #4Blaze Legacy Of Blood 2 of 4 Issue #2<b><i>Ghost Rider Issue #15 - SOLD</i></b>Mirror Walker Issue #1 of 2Captain America The Blood And Stone Hunt Part 3 of 6 Issue #359Superboy Issue #17Superboy Issue #30The Adventures of Superman Issue #558The Adventures Of Superman Issue #559Nightwing Issue #29Robin II The Jokers Wild Issue #3 (Holofoil jokers card on cover)Superman In Action Issue #743Digimon Issue #1Digimon Issue #4Metal Men Issue #1 (Holofoil cover)Robin Issue #36I have a few more I'll have to dig up, I'll post them when I do. Make an offer on any or the whole lot.Obviously taking individual pics is out of the question, I took a group shot. If there is any in particular you wish to see or are interested in, please let me know.[attachment=25056:attachment](Sheets not for sale)