04-20-2006, 08:43 PM
Originals: [url=\"http://upload.creamedgeezer.com/images/freddy-wall2.jpg\"]http://upload.creamedgeezer.com/images/freddy-wall2.jpg[/url]
Looks like I have 2 options for printing these. I can do all 3 as posters for $65 + $5 shipping (for the set). And I can have them done on canvas (to look more like paintings) for $95 + $5 shipping (for the set).
I will be getting a set on canvas for myself. I\'m not making much profit on these at all, expecially the canvas ones, check around online and you\'ll see what I mean. But I really want these made, and if I can get them out to other people then that is cool too
They will be 22\"x34\" each.
This thread is really just to see what people are willing to pay for these, so post here or PM me your thoughts!
I normally dont charge shipping, but now I\'m gonna have to go out and buy tubes and stuff, so it is more of a pain, lol.