12-09-2006, 06:35 PM
Here are the following things I have for sale. Please only email me if you are seriously interested. I have had several people PM me and say they are going to send the money out, and never contacted me again.
If you have any questions, please PM me.
-$135 Jman Voorhees p4 v2 hockeymask from East Coast Studio 1
Rare item, MEGA no longer makes hockeymasks, very nicely done, and accurate. The straps are very durable and will not break. The straps are removable.
-$80 Jman Voorhees p4 v1 hockeymask from Faces Of Death Productions
Very nicely painted. The paint work is in good condiction. The straps are not in the greatest condition.
-$70 that burned guy that burned guy p3 glove, nice condition. Not the most accurate glove out there. The whole glove is weathered.
If you have any questions, please PM me.
-$135 Jman Voorhees p4 v2 hockeymask from East Coast Studio 1
Rare item, MEGA no longer makes hockeymasks, very nicely done, and accurate. The straps are very durable and will not break. The straps are removable.
-$80 Jman Voorhees p4 v1 hockeymask from Faces Of Death Productions
Very nicely painted. The paint work is in good condiction. The straps are not in the greatest condition.
-$70 that burned guy that burned guy p3 glove, nice condition. Not the most accurate glove out there. The whole glove is weathered.