11-03-2008, 03:12 AM
I am 21 years old and I am a huge fan of horror movies. The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise is probably my favorite. I did not realize that there were companies such as NIGHTOWL and others that produced such screen accurate products rather than the massed produced masks and props that you see regularly. I am officially addicted to collecting now and just thought I would share my first "project". They are nothing much. I am going to put them in seperate shadow box frames and display them each with a still from each movie on the wall in my movie room. The Part 1 Sweater is a cheap red cotton sweatshirt from walmart that I painted and weathered, and the glove is the massed produced deluxe glove that i converted into a part 4 using glue and paint. I am not very artistic but I am pleased with the way they turned out. I will be ordering tons of masks from NIGHTOWL in the near future as well as the best Freddy Glove replicas on the net from knifegloves.com. Thanks for reading just thought id share.