01-09-2011, 06:43 PM
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new on here and i wanted to post a question, in fact, i'm probably a little late on the "know" about this figure, but I'm hoping some of you fine collectors on here will update me. I REALLY like the upcoming 23 in sideshow part 3 Jason statue. Question- does anyone know for sure if the premium figure does or does not have a removable mask?? When i looked at the exclusive's description on the sideshow site it said "unmasked portrait", whatever that means. And of course the premium version says nothing about it being unmasked or not, but if you zoom in on the pics, it looks like it MIGHT be removable.?. I'm really hoping the premium has a removable mask, if not, THAT SUCKS! lol! If not, I might just wait for the exclusive to pop up on ebay one day, and just expect to drop 500 for it! WHich of course raises question 2, more a rant really. If the exclusive is an interchangeable unmasked head, why didn't sideshow just make the mask removable on all the figures period?! Thats what everyone wants anyway, right?!!! If anyone can help clear this up, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks-