It was 25 years ago to this day that one of the greatest bands of all time released one of the most incredable albums ever made. I am of course speaking of Pink Floyd\'s The Wall. Today, November the 30 2004 is the 25th anniversary of this album. An unmatched symphonic masterpiece of guitar, drums, saxophone, keybords, synthesisors and contless other instruments, not to mention the haunting hypnotizing sounds of Roger Waters and David Gilmour\'s vocal tracks, an album that has truely standed the test of
A few years after it\'s release (1982) a full length feature movie was created to give listeners the missing visual element to this masterpiece. The Wall motion picture is one of, if not the best adaptaion of an album to film, capturing every song in a stunning story of live action, and mind blowing animation.
On this day, all Floyd fans should take some time to spin all 4 sides, pop in the movie, or like me, do both!
A few years after it\'s release (1982) a full length feature movie was created to give listeners the missing visual element to this masterpiece. The Wall motion picture is one of, if not the best adaptaion of an album to film, capturing every song in a stunning story of live action, and mind blowing animation.
On this day, all Floyd fans should take some time to spin all 4 sides, pop in the movie, or like me, do both!