05-04-2004, 04:13 AM
I agree with you on that Bob, (or maybe Don, not sure lol) I too think that those people are sick. But, I find it sort of intresting... and down right freaky. I just get the shit scared out of me by some of these stories... Because I know that they are REAL. That\'s why I, and I\'m pretty sure others read these stories. I can not really remember any movie I was spooked by, but everytime I read about these dudes, I get the chills. I mean, even right now. My computer is facing a wall and my front door is right behind me. Every time I turn I areound I\'m freaked out lol. I\'ve read Fish, Gacy, Gein, The Green River Killer, and a few others on that site so far tonight... And they\'ve all freaked me out. I guess it is fun to get scared in a way, that is after all why we watch horror. But this shit freaks me out because it is real.
P.S. Gacy doesn\'t freak me out at all, I first saw the moive about him before I knew who he was. Now every time I think of him I just picture this big fat idiot yelling things like "I need more space!" and "I got a bad ticker"... Anyway, there\'s my .02
P.S. Gacy doesn\'t freak me out at all, I first saw the moive about him before I knew who he was. Now every time I think of him I just picture this big fat idiot yelling things like "I need more space!" and "I got a bad ticker"... Anyway, there\'s my .02