02-02-2006, 05:31 AM
Quote:Well, actually it is. At the very beginning of 3, we see Jason take out the machete from his shoulder, which pretty much links the two closely. But the most noticable thing that would is when he goes to the grocery shop place when he gets his clothes off the clothes line. You hear on the radio or tv about the \'events\' from the night before, ala part 2.I don\'t mean to argue but the part where he takes the machete out is basically part of the part 2 flashback, not the part 3 movie. He is in the overalls in his perv-shack/altar still from part 2. I wouldn\'t doubt if this footage was from the part shoot since they pretty much new they would make sequels indefinately.
The radio "events" would be the events of the proposed prequel. There had to be something inbetween. Otherwise what the hell was Chris talking about? The other possibility is something before part 2. It obviously didn\'t happen during the events of part 2. Especially if you notice he isn\'t wearing the overalls or the plaid shirt from part 2 in the Chris flashback. And whatever clothes he is wearing he decided to change them at the start of part 3. Maybe because they were also now "dirtied". The kink in this is they actually show footage of Ginny getting loaded in the ambulance and mention she is the only survivor. If it was only talking about anonymous victims then it wouldn\'t have to be the part 2 victims. It lists the number of victims at 8 (The must not be including Alice or the cop), and hints more may be found. They never actually say when the Ginny killings happened, just that the made a gruesome discovery "today", which may not have been the same or even next day neccessarily. That is the "in". There could be a couple days (he usually only needs 1) for some more action. His shoulder wound doesn\'t seem to be weeping through his shirt or hindering him in part 3 at all, maybe it was longer even.
I guess I am just hoping for a "fanboy" prequel that doesn\'t destroy the already laid tracks....... and won\'t suck. :confused: