02-23-2006, 01:57 AM
Thanks a ton guys! really appreaciate all that a lot. HAHAHAHAH!! Yeah, it\'ll be in the mail tomorrow Bear, lemme know when it gets there! :wink:
Can actually see pretty well out of the helmet, better then I thought, still can\'t really aim at anything, so that explains a lot LOL!
That blaster is the Kenner one that came out a bit ago, comes as white. Actually, I made all that by hand, the magazine housing, magazine, and stock. Just measuring and cutting .090 ABS and gluing it into place, looking at a few templates, but resizing for that blaster. So sorry, no kit, not even any useable templates really LOL!
Can actually see pretty well out of the helmet, better then I thought, still can\'t really aim at anything, so that explains a lot LOL!
That blaster is the Kenner one that came out a bit ago, comes as white. Actually, I made all that by hand, the magazine housing, magazine, and stock. Just measuring and cutting .090 ABS and gluing it into place, looking at a few templates, but resizing for that blaster. So sorry, no kit, not even any useable templates really LOL!