03-23-2006, 03:07 AM
Quote:I\'d have to say the stupidest moment in modern horror occured when some self important fanboy decided to sit down and write a list that really has no clue. None of the poll answers even come close to the stupidest moments of modern horror. I liked TCM\'03 and the fact that they decided to flesh out a rather one dimensional character. Julius getting his head punched off is without a doubt the highpoint in that craptastic movie. The CD centobite although not the best is still a centobite and one of the most reconizable next to pinhead and chatterer. Halloween 6 is definately not my fave but it is still better than most horror movies put out in that time frame and a whole hell of a lot better than halloween 8 featuring Busta nutsack. Just because you feel that way about those moments or films doesn\'t mean anybody wants to see it in poll form. :down: :down: :down:
Wow. You win my award for "Nice guy of the year."
I appreciate the degrading comments. It\'s nice to know that I can express my opinion, without the fear of being ridiculed by anonymous internet goons who use phrases like "craptastic" and "Busta nutsack."
Geez, I feel like I\'m in high school again.
Thanks to all else who were nice enough to vote and/or respond.