04-04-2006, 09:01 PM
Quote:i am registered i will go and have a look and see whats what, do you want me to post some of your pics, if so let me know
Please do so Frosty. I really appreciate it. I\'ve bought all kinds of stuff to start sculpting masks. I haven\'t started on masks yet cause I wanted to get the feel of sculpting, painting etc. That\'s why I started just doing small things. I\'m trying to keep myself from having a first time horrible mask sculpture...lol. Thanks alot for yours and everyone trying to help me with this situation. I know alot of people on this forum really don\'t know me like they know others who have been here so long, but at least on this board I know that people know I haven\'t had any issues with recasting anything. Why try to become a sculpter if you\'re just gonna recast. There\'s no art in it.