04-14-2006, 05:39 AM
Ok, I listened to this track as I do rap, produce, write poetry etc. This was not very good at all, I myself have lost interest in Hip hop really beside\'s the early 90\'s Like souls with 93 til infinty, the pharcyde, with YA MAMA & HOUSE OF PAIN!!!, see that was good hip hop. The only current Hip Hop artist I listen to is SAGE FRANCIS, That guy can write & flow like a mother, plus his producer is solid. That song had M E T H O D ..... MAN from the WU just sittin there, he could at least busted a verse & the only real good thing was the hot chick, new hip hop alot is real bad. When I sculpture paint etc I mainly listen to hard rock & punk & stuff just sets the mood for me. To each his own I can see why people would like it just ain\'t my cup of tea.