04-21-2006, 07:32 PM
Quote:Actually, not to be a dink. But the liver is not a self healing organ like others are. Alchohol damage is pretty permanent.Yup, that\'s about it. Your dad hit the nail on the head.
that\'s true though about the \'cycle of depression\' that\'s how alot of us get started. Feel bad, so you drink or use something, which makes you feel worse, so you use more, which makes you feel worse, so you....
My old man told me, "Life is a muthafu**er and it don\'t give a sh*t about you. It\'ll stomp your balls and knock your teeth out first chance it gets. You can either dwell on it and all the bad things, or just ignore the bad, focus on the good, and go out in the world and make something of yourself. Or you can get all depressed and sit around waiting to die. It\'s your choice. But Life doesn\'t care about you, you gotta care about yourself."
at the time, * I was like 15 * I just thought he was being an ass and a bit of a dink. But the older I get the more I see what he was really trying to tell me.
I think we\'ve all got alot of hope for you and your Mom bro. Good luck. The first step is one of the hardest.
And the liver is our only organ that can regenerate it\'s self but damage to it is permanent.